FREE Shares – Join The Shares Club and Build an Exciting Portfolio

An old friend is a member of a Club that invests in early stage businesses that are seen as having a better than average chance of  becoming the next ‘big thing’ in their market sector. 

He has been a member for almost 6 years. As a member, he picks up a bundle of shares every month that he pays his membership subscription. He can take breaks and stop the subscription whenever he wants to and then, later, pick it up again.

I decided to join the club, as it presents an opportunity for anyone to invest in shares like the ‘big boys’ – but more importantly, you and I can leave their portfolio to their family when we pass.

Now a lot of people fail to grasp just what this can mean and often get this wrong by assuming that finding the next big household name is something that happens on a regular basis. 

Well, of course, it isn’t. But you only need one big find and away you go. What a membership of the club VC Crowd will do for you is put you in a place where the opportunity to find an explosive company is real and requires only that you are member. Or you could try to find them on your own. Now that is hard to do.

The principle of crowd-funding is that the combined power of many wallets can do so much more than going it alone. And the downside? Well the downside is that we do go through periods where little happens. 

We just had a really long one of those courtesy of what Covid did to many new fledgling companies. I call these “accumulation periods” and they can’t go on forever and maybe, just maybe, we are coming rapidly to a point where big breakthroughs are inevitable.

The downside risk is small because the shares VC Crowd get involved with rarely bomb and there is an internal market to allow you to trade out of shares you don’t want to keep and into those you want more of. Also, you can increase your involvement and earnings by sharing this with your friends. 

For a limited time, VC Crowd are giving new members FREE SHARES in a cutting-edge British Biotech company!

Free ios Bio Shares

Ios Bio are pioneering a capsule that will be able to replace most of the common things administered by injection. Vaccines specifically. Wastage alone through vaccines that go out of date, aren’t stored properly or are damaged and so on runs into millions and millions of dollars every year and there are a lot of people who simply will not take an injection.

This type of business has next to no competition but needs a lot of approvals and tests before they get the green light to go into manufacturing the capsules for worldwide distribution but the good news is that Ios Bio have already been at this for 3 to 4 years now and are well on their way to a breakthrough with such approvals. 

They are one of a bunch of really exciting companies that VC Crowd members have shares in. I recently joined VC Crowd, because I think of VC Crowd as part of my savings plan for the future. And, as they say, there is strength in numbers. The more people that join the club, the more companies the club can get behind.

You can only join the Club by invitation so here’s my invitation for you to grab your own free share gift and membership:


I’m excited about this offer because not only will you get free shares, but the Club will award me with some free shares too. So it’s a win, win. So come on! let’s both snag some sweet shares in this Biotech gem!

Don’t put it off until later though, there’s only 10,000 shares in total available during this free share offer and once they’re gone, they’re gone forever.


FREE Shares - Join The Shares Club and Build an Exciting Portfolio 1

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