Motivational Reading/Videos

They say that if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to be constantly feeding your mind with motivation.

We totally agree. There is so much negativity surrounding us all, that we need to build a wall of positivity and motivational around ourselves. There are also times when we have had a bad day, a few knockbacks, etc., and we have to ensure that we kind our mindset right.

We all relate to different people, different styles of presentation, etc. So we have a selection of the people who have inspired and motivated us over the years. Take a look at what we suggest to see if one or some of them float your boat.

We start with our own book of course ????

This book by Napoleon Hill has become a bible for entrepreneurs the world over.

The Richest Man in Babylon – an absolute classic

The Magic Story

This is a short but magical story. It is written by Rensselaer Day.

Here’s what to do – pour yourself a drink and read it in your tea break as it won’t take long. However, it may have a lasting positive effect on you.

Les Brown is ‘Mr Motivator’ who is famous in the USA but not so well known over here. Check out his video to see if he gels with you:

No doubt you have heard of Anthony Robbins, famous for his motivation and inspiration and for helping people to walk across burning coals! He has almost god-like status in both the conventional small business world and in the MLM world.

Here’s a video with his words of wisdom. If you like him, get his books etc. on amazon:

Who else would we suggest? There are so many motivational gurus to choose from – Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor, Eric Thomas, Arnold Schwarzenegger (yes, he is a great speaker) Deepak Chopra, Randy Gage, Nick Vujicic (born without arms or legs) Robin Sharma, and many many more. Rather than download more videos and books, here are the links to their websites for you to choose. Simply google their names.

Enjoy the journey – but whatever you do, keep yourself motivated by immersing your thoughts in the advice from these great people

Motivational Reading/Videos 1

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